Subject index

  1. Introduction to C
    • The character set of 'C'
    • Identifers
    • Variables
    • Data Types
    • Constants
    • Fscape Sequence
    • Operators in 'C'
    • Descision Control Intruction
    • Loop Control Instruction
    • Case Control Intruction
  2. Functions
    • Use of functions
    • Passing Values b/w Functions
    • Scope rule of Functions
    • Order of Passing Arguments
    • Using Library Functions
    • One Dicey Issue
    • Retuen Type Of Functions

Let Us C

Let Us C is a widely acclaimed programming book by Yashavant Kanetkar. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the C programming language.


"Introduction, data types, operators, control flow, functions, arrays, pointers, structures, files, memory allocation, preprocessor all well expalined.

Code With Harry

"Code with Harry" is an influential programming tutorial platform led by Haris Khan. It offers diverse courses on c language.

College Wallah

The channel which will help you right from your college journey till your landing in your dream Job. You will get all the solutions for your c language problems.


W3Schools is a widely-used online platform for learning web development technologies. It offers free tutorials, references, and exercises on c language.